We're out there at abortion facilities on a regular basis talking to and praying for women who feel that abortion is their only way to deal with an unplanned or complicated pregnancy. We make a PEACEFUL stand for unborn babies but, as you will read, are sometimes met with less than peaceful reactions! We understand that this goes with the territory!
These are real life stories.
Please feel free to share your thoughts or comments below.
June 2009
A young couple entered the clinic and refused our resource sheet and any interaction. A few minutes later, the man exited and stood nearby on the sidewalk. He was quiet and pensive. Cindy went over to talk with him. He resisted at first and then he broke down into tears. He said he did not want the abortion but his girlfriend did. He didn't have work or a car. He just got out of a gang and was trying to make his way in the world. She had work and was in control of the situation. He was unable to talk her out of the abortion and was beside himself.
June 2009
A young Asian American couple refused our resource sheet. When advised that a 6 week old fetus can respond to pain, and his heart has been beating since 3 weeks, the father asked mockingly, "How do you know?" I responded that it is proven science. Turns out that he's a scientist. He exited the clinic 15 minutes later and confronted us. His thoughts were racing and his eyes were wild. He went on about his displeasure with our presence near the clinic and rambled about differences of opinions. Once that was all out, we learned that he wanted the baby but his wife has a history of depression and was afraid that she wouldn't be capable of loving a baby. He felt he didn't have the right to influence her decision. We gave him all the love and support that we could.
June 2009
A middle-aged man brought his daughter in for an abortion. She was in college and insisted that she had to have it done. The week prior, she came to the clinic for the abortion but couldn't see it through. At that time, the father said, another woman told his daughter that she has had SEVEN abortions. Anyway, the daughter left and returned this week. The dad stood outside and smoked and talked with us at length. He said he tried repeatedly to talk her out of it but she wouldn't listen. He said when he called Planned Parenthood for the appointment, they couldn't guarantee they would get her in - she was #151 for the region for the day (they only serve 150). But she made the cut and got the abortion.
August 2009 -
I'm standing there quietly. A beat up black truck pulls up. A young caucasian couple throws a few lewd gestures my way. She then hissed and lunged at me like a big cat! (I was tempted to call animal control!).
September 2009
A young hispanic couple approached. When asked if they knew the doctor performing the abortion and his or her safety record, they entered the clinic and asked for that information. When they were met with a negative reply, they left the clinic, waved goodbye and drove off!
Later, another young hispanic married couple said that they already had two kids and she felt she was too young to have three. She was tearful and said, "I HAVE to do this." Gradually, her husband became emotional and tearful and said he wouldn't go in with her after all. She called a friend who went in with her and then she had the abortion.
Mid September 2009
A young hispanic mom with a two year old and a 6 month old arrived at the clinic. SHE WAS 3 MONTHS PREGNANT and said that NOTHING would stop her from getting an abortion.
An 18 year old girl said she had endometriosis and a lot of pain. She said that adoption was not an option, that it would be too painful to see her child in someone else's hands. She was Catholic. She didn't like abortion but saw no other option. But she did say she would keep the baby if given one million dollars in support!
A young caucasian woman said that she knew everything about pregnancy options and abortions, as she was a child educator. She told me to get a real job.
An 'older' polynesian married couple came for an abortion. They already had two teens, 14 and 15, and weren't about to have a baby at this point in their lives. Plus, their teenager has a two month old child and they were not entertaining any other option but abortion.
I learned from Lucy, a wonderful sidewalk counselor, that Joseph, another devout counselor, had died. We had wondered why we hadn't seen him around. We will always remember him fondly. I am alone today at the clinic. All my buddies are out of town. The energy from the clients is colder than usual - I'd better keep focused on my prayers to counteract that bad joo-joo!
Late September 2009
A young woman came with her friend. She vehemently refused the resources I handed to her. I asked if she wanted to know the truth about abortion and she responded, "NO, I don't want to know the truth."
A young black woman looked over all the options but stated that she was still going through with the abortion and nothing would change her mind. She sad she was Christian so I asked whether she prayed to Jesus about this. She said she did. I asked what she would do if abortion was not an option and she said, "I guess I'd just have to stick it out."
October 2009
A young caucasian couple approached the clinic and saw us standing there. He put his arms up in the air and yelled, "Yes, I am a baby killer! In about an hour this baby will be dead." They went into the clinic. A couple of minutes later he emerged. He lit up a cigarette and said, "You want some second hand smoke?" I introduced myself to him and made some small talk. Turns out that he has a nine year old son (his name is tattooed on his chest) and that "now is not a good time for another one." I could sense that her was afraid and using foul language and aggressive behavior to cover it up.
Late October 2009
A young caucasian couple entered the clinic, waving off our information and stating, "We're good, we don't need that." But then the young man took it. A few moments later, he exited the clinic, stood in front of us, held up the resource sheet, and burned it with a lighter. He said, "I don't believe in God." I said, "But God believes in you." He said, "Does Superman, Spiderman, and Santa Claus believe in me too?" He yelled for a few minutes then sped away in his broken down truck.
A black couple refused information. But Cindy talked with the father when he was outside smoking and he said he didn't realize that an 8 week old fetus was so developed. He said his girlfriend was 'selfish' and didn't want to keep it. He was not happy with the decision but felt he had no choice in the matter.
Spoke with a young man who was involved with an older woman. They had broken up but he had recently learned that she was 4 to 5 months pregnant with his child. He wanted to keep it but he said she was very hardened and doesn't want the baby.
A sweet young black woman came with her 2 year old son. She was tearful about the abortion and agreed to talk to a counselor at the local pregnancy center. I gave her all the information and my phone number. She did talk to a counselor but returned to Planned Parenthood the next week for an abortion. She shyly looked our way and said, "Sorry."
November 2009
A mother of around 60 brought her 30 something daughter to the clinic. When I approached with information, the mother said meanly, "STAY AWAY." I told them about the great resources, including post-abortion help. The mother said, "I don't want that." When I pointed out the diamond studded cross on the neck of the mother and asked whether they prayed on this decision, the mother stated, "It's a spiritual thing. Not what you people do." (Not sure what that means and she most likely had no idea either!).
When I pulled up bright and early, a young caucasian couple was already parked at the clinic. They saw me pull up in my car, which had Florida license plates. I took my position on the sidewalk and leaned my "Choose Life, Avoid Regrets" sign against the wall. Before I even said a word, the guy said, "You've got to be kidding. Go back to f%#@@#g Florida." He rushed toward me with rage in his eyes and I told him that he had better step back or I'd call 911. And when I got my phone out to call, he ran back to his car and sped off, almost running over a Korean man who was doing his morning walk. She went into the clinic.
Three medical students, 2 males and one female, arrived at the clinic. The female, a pretty Asian, said she had never seen an abortion performed before and wanted to see whether this might be something she's interested in doing in the future. We said that we would pray that she does NOT go the route of an abortionist and asked her to remember the "Do no harm" oath of doctors.
Mid November 2009 -
An hispanic couple came with their toddler. When given the resources and told that abortions are performed here today, the couple nervously said, "Oh, we're just here for prenatal care." (Clearly not the truth, as it was abortion day). When I made eye contact with the husband a few moments later, he just smiled and shrugged.
I heard numerous times that "I don't care about your information," and "I don't need that; I'm good."
I try to remind these young people that information is power but they aren't interested.
The friend of a woman having an abortion said that adoption wasn't an option, as "she doesn't want to get attached." At which I always respond, "So she would rather end it's life than give it a chance with another family?" Mind boggling but a very prevalent way of thinking among youth.
2 Hispanic guys and a girl came. I gave then the talk. The friend chided me for making it harder on them to do what they had to do. I told him that I was glad that they are struggling with this decision - they should be. And that I am very concerned about the life of that unborn baby and how it will suffer today.
A young man followed his girlfriend into the clinic. She refused information but he took it. He did not say a word but I could see a tear rolling down his cheek.
Late November 2009
A very sweet and Hispanic woman said she already has 3 kids and doesn't want any more. She cited finances as the major deterrent. We talked at length and she read over the information and said she would think about other options. When asked what she will do if she becomes pregnant again, she had no answer. She then walked into the clinic and I am pretty sure that she went through with it.
December 2009
A muscle bound white man escorted a very scared looking young black woman. When approached, the man said, "Stay away." When I asked the woman if abortion is what she really wanted, she put her head down and didn't respond.
A man yelled and told us to "shut up" when we offered information. His girlfriend chided him for doing that and said, "I'll read it." But she stayed inside for the abortion.
We heard a lot of the usual, "No thanks, I'm good" when we went to offer alternate resources. We reminded them that Christmas season is here and to consider whether they wanted the memory of abortion to haunt them every year at this time.
Six Hispanic teens, males and females, approached. One of them said, "She's too young to be walking around school with a baby in her belly." We pointed out all the helpful resources. One of the young men urged the pregnant one to check out the information. They entered the clinic but exited a short while later. Three of the youth took information.
December 2009
Hispanic teen entered with her mother. She was two months pregnant. They listened intently and browsed the information. She indicated that she was not happy about getting an abortion but she went through with it.
When I told a young woman that the heart of a fetus begins beating by three weeks, she said, "That's not true. I researched it on a medical web site."
Early January 2010
A beautiful woman with 6 children came for an abortion. She was three months pregnant with her seventh. She said that she felt she wouldn't be able to give her kids enough attention if she has another one. She said she was feeling "50/50" about having the abortion and was obviously sick about the whole thing. We told her we would do anything we could to help her and her beautiful baby. She cried really hard and then decided she couldn't go through with the abortion. I gave her my number in case she had any more questions.
An Hispanic couple was approached and asked to consider other options. They cursed at us and said, "What's it to you?"
A 16 year old and her friend approached laughing and giggling. They were hoping to get the Plan B pill.
Sara, three months pregnant, approached with her mother. She said that twice before she had tried to get an abortion but was turned away for various reasons. I told her that maybe this was a sign from God that she was meant to keep her baby. She said that she was Christian and didn't really like the idea of doing this but felt she had no choice. She felt that Jesus would forgive her. She also said that she was not really involved with the father of the baby anymore. Over the period of an hour, Sara kept going back and forth to her mother's truck. And we continued to converse each time. On her last trip to the truck I said, "I am going to pray for a divine intervention." About 15 minutes later, Sara emerged from her car and said, "Well, your intervention worked. I'm keeping my baby!" We cried and hugged and exchanged phone numbers. I hooked her up with a Pregnancy Center in her area. Sara's mom said, "You were here for a reason. Thank you."
A couple entered the clinic and refused any information. She ran out to her truck about 15 minutes later, crying. Her boyfriend followed. She could be heard screaming and crying inside the vehicle for about 30 minutes. Then they drove off. We hope that they never returned.
Here's a first for us - a deaf woman entered the clinic with and interpreter.
We heard a lot of comments like, "You don't understand," "It's a different kind of situation," and "There is no other choice." When we ask if they believe in God and know that nothing is impossible with His help, they typically nod then proceed into the clinic.
Early January 2010
A beautiful woman with 6 children came for an abortion. She was three months pregnant with her seventh. She said that she felt she wouldn't be able to give her kids enough attention if she has another one. She said she was feeling "50/50" about having the abortion and was obviously sick about the whole thing. We told her we would do anything we could to help her and her beautiful baby. She cried really hard and then decided she couldn't go through with the abortion. I gave her my number in case she had any more questions.
An Hispanic couple was approached and asked to consider other options. They cursed at us and said, "What's it to you?"
A 16 year old and her friend approached laughing and giggling. They were hoping to get the Plan B pill.
Sara, three months pregnant, approached with her mother. She said that twice before she had tried to get an abortion but was turned away for various reasons. I told her that maybe this was a sign from God that she was meant to keep her baby. She said that she was Christian and didn't really like the idea of doing this but felt she had no choice. She felt that Jesus would forgive her. She also said that she was not really involved with the father of the baby anymore. Over the period of an hour, Sara kept going back and forth to her mother's truck. And we continued to converse each time. On her last trip to the truck I said, "I am going to pray for a divine intervention." About 15 minutes later, Sara emerged from her car and said, "Well, your intervention worked. I'm keeping my baby!" We cried and hugged and exchanged phone numbers. I hooked her up with a Pregnancy Center in her area. Sara's mom said, "You were here for a reason. Thank you."
A couple entered the clinic and refused any information. She ran out to her truck about 15 minutes later, crying. Her boyfriend followed. She could be heard screaming and crying inside the vehicle for about 30 minutes. Then they drove off. We hope that they never returned.
Here's a first for us - a deaf woman entered the clinic with and interpreter.
We heard a lot of comments like, "You don't understand," "It's a different kind of situation," and "There is no other choice." When we ask if they believe in God and know that nothing is impossible with His help, they typically nod then proceed into the clinic.
Early January 2010
A beautiful woman with 6 children came for an abortion. She was three months pregnant with her seventh. She said that she felt she wouldn't be able to give her kids enough attention if she has another one. She said she was feeling "50/50" about having the abortion and was obviously sick about the whole thing. We told her we would do anything we could to help her and her beautiful baby. She cried really hard and then decided she couldn't go through with the abortion. I gave her my number in case she had any more questions.
An Hispanic couple was approached and asked to consider other options. They cursed at us and said, "What's it to you?"
A 16 year old and her friend approached laughing and giggling. They were hoping to get the Plan B pill.
Sara, three months pregnant, approached with her mother. She said that twice before she had tried to get an abortion but was turned away for various reasons. I told her that maybe this was a sign from God that she was meant to keep her baby. She said that she was Christian and didn't really like the idea of doing this but felt she had no choice. She felt that Jesus would forgive her. She also said that she was not really involved with the father of the baby anymore. Over the period of an hour, Sara kept going back and forth to her mother's truck. And we continued to converse each time. On her last trip to the truck I said, "I am going to pray for a divine intervention." About 15 minutes later, Sara emerged from her car and said, "Well, your intervention worked. I'm keeping my baby!" We cried and hugged and exchanged phone numbers. I hooked her up with a Pregnancy Center in her area. Sara's mom said, "You were here for a reason. Thank you."
Mid January 2010
A couple entered the clinic and refused any information. She ran out to her truck about 15 minutes later, crying. Her boyfriend followed. She could be heard screaming and crying inside the vehicle for about 30 minutes. Then they drove off. We hope that they never returned.
Here's a first for us - a deaf woman entered the clinic with and interpreter.
We heard a lot of comments like, "You don't understand," "It's a different kind of situation," and "There is no other choice." When we ask if they believe in God and know that nothing is impossible with His help, they typically nod then proceed into the clinic.
Three very young women approached. You could tell the one who was getting the abortion - a hood covered her head and she wore big sunglasses. She and her friends giggled on the way in and refused and information.
A young woman with pink and blue hair said that she would die if she didn't have the abortion.
I was chided by a young woman - "You have no idea how bad a woman feels coming here and you make it worse."
Late January 2010
An Hispanic woman was very tearful and said she did not want the abortion and neither did her boyfriend. But she was angry at him for cheating and felt angry and betrayed.
Similarly, a married woman with two kids learned that her husband was cheating on her and didn't want to keep the baby. The more we talked the more she cried and realized that abortion was not the right option. She had her young son with her and he was fidgety. I asked if they wanted breakfast and she said yes. So I ran over to McDonald's and got them some. After they ate, she drove over to the local Pregnancy Center.
A young hispanic woman told us she was too worried that something would be wrong with her baby, that the cord could be wrapped around it's neck. Her boyfriend said she's afraid she'll be a bad mother.
A young couple entered the clinic. The boyfriend came out and smoked and told us that she keeps denying that she's there for an abortion. He felt that she was a "compulsive liar" and that he would probably break up with her after this. He said, "I don't even know if it's MY baby."
A spanish speaking couple nervously took the information, listened to what we had to say and then entered the clinic. Five minutes later they left and smiled, "No aborto." We hooked them up with the local pregnancy clinic.
A couple approached and started laughing at our signs. In reference to the sign that says, "Pray to end abortion," he said, "I don't believe in God. He's made my life miserable."
Early February, 2010
A black couple sat in the car for a while before entering the clinic. Once they exited the car, the man chastised us for "making them feel bad." He stated, "We aren't happy about this abortion but we have no other choice." When offered other choices, they refused to look at them.
An Armenian woman said that she knew it was wrong to abort her baby but wanted to do it before it had a beating heart. She rushed in to the clinic before we could give her information.
A couple entered - he took the info. When he exited later he said that the woman was 50 years old and didn't want to be pregnant.
A black mom and 17 yr old daughter arrived in a beautiful Jaguar. The young woman refused info but her mom took it. When the mom walked out later for a smoke, she said she had read the info. When the topic of God came up, she stated that God was OK with their choice. When asked about adoption, she said she couldn't bear to think about someone else having her grandchild. Two hours later, they exited the clinic together, so we prayed that they changed their mind about the abortion.
A young couple with two kids said they didn't want to have this baby. When told that this is something that they would regret, he said, "I don't think so." The woman said, "I don't believe you're doing this," but she took the info.
A very pleasant and pretty lady was on house arrest. She was 4 months pregnant. She was afraid that being pregnant would ruin her chances of getting a better sentence (not sure of the crime). She said she had absolutely no problem with the abortion and was quite sure she would have no regrets afterward. She had had an abortion previously.
16 y.o. girl came with her mom and mom's male friend. The friend made it clear that he did not believe in God, that there were already too many unwanted and illiterate people in the world, and that Sally is too young and the rest of her life would be ruined if she had the baby. He and the mom felt it wasn't their duty to influence the girl and she had to make up her own mind. Maria handed the mother a rosary and she cried and cried.
Late February, 2010
I was told by a very large Hispanic man that "my beliefs have nothing to do with this." (??) He and his girlfriend had made up their minds. But they listened to what we had to say.
A young middle eastern woman went in for an abortion. She had a very cold demeanor. Her boyfriend was yelling at her, telling her not to do it. She was not phased. He paced around the parking lot for almost 30 minutes, yelling, screaming and cussing.
A black couple, 30s, entered. He said they were separated, as she was no longer interested in her responsibilities as a wife and mother. He had begged her to keep the baby and said he would raise it, but she refused. So they brought their toddler son with them and awaited the procedure together.
A young woman with multiple scratches and bruises had apparently been attacked the week prior. She had a history of molestation and cancer treatment. The mom said the daughter didn't want to bring a deformed baby into the world.
I had a discussion with a black man who brought his girlfriend for an abortion. When told about the high rate of abortions for blacks, he said, "They make the least amount of money, so add it up."
A young black couple came with their toddler. He said he wanted the baby but she wants to focus on school. He said she has plans to take their child to another country but he was in the process of getting custody. He said he loves Jesus and doesn't believe in abortion.
Early March, 2010
When an older gentleman was asked if he knew the violence that his unborn baby would endure during the abortion, he answered, "I will show you violence if you don't shut up."
David Bereit from 40 Days for Life stopped by the clinic where we pray and counsel. Sadly for me, I was out of town at the time. But several babies were spared that day!
An Hispanic woman was aborting because she has diabetes. When given the number of a high-risk OB-Gyn, she took the info but was not interested.
A mom entered with her daughter and told us she believes in abortion and a woman's choice. The daughter said she wasn't ready for a kid. The mom exited a few minutes later to smoke and we engaged. She said she was perfectly fine with losing her grandchild to abortion and would support her daughter with abortion as many times as necessary if she wasn't ready to bear a child. Ironically, this mom who previously told us she did not believe in God, shed tears as she recalled her wonderful ex-mother-in-law. Then she asked us to pray for her soul.
A young black couple entered. He has another girlfriend and this one is mad, so she came to get an abortion. They have a one year old together. He admitted that he doesn't have it all together and wants to get closer to Christ. He's having a hard time deciding which woman he wants to be with. Whichever he chooses, the other won't let him see their child.
Late March, 2010
A young Hispanic woman laughed and waved us off when given information for a high-risk OB-GYN. She was aborting for "medical reasons." We hear that a lot.
Another woman grabbed our resource sheets, threw them on the ground and said, "Are you kidding me?"
An Hispanic woman said her abortion was not about money. She had two kids and just didn't want anymore. She took our info but kept her appointment.
A Spanish speaking woman cried when I read the options she had. She had two kids and didn't know where the father of this baby was. She took the information but went through with the procedure.
Early April, 2010
We were told, "Go preach somewhere else."
We were chided by a young Caucasian woman for "protesting, scaring and confusing young girls who have thought long and hard about their decision."
There were several cases of young couples entering the clinic with ROSARY BEADS around their necks. When asked what those rosaries meant to them, responses ranged from nothing to "I'm atheist but I wear it because my grandfather gave it to me."
A teenage Hispanic was brought by her 'mother-in-law' because she (boyfriend's mother) didn't want to support a baby. When asked if she was OK with the abortion, the teen stated, "Not really."
An Hispanic woman with 2 kids cried when talking about the abortion. She agreed to go to a nearby Pregnancy Center and her tears became smiles. About 15 minutes later, she returned in a very somber mood and said, "Sorry," as she entered the clinic.
A young couple told us, "This is harassment," then he cursed at us. When he exited the clinic, he was muttering and ran to his car. As he sped off, he rammed into a metal pole and nearly hit a pedestrian.
A mom brought in her 15 year old daughter and yelled, "Don't give her that stuff. We have a doctor's appointment and we don't have insurance." The poor child was so dejected.
A spanish speaking woman agreed to speak on the cell with a pregnancy center counselor and decided to keep her baby!
A young man with tattoos and piercings tried to keep
his girlfriend from entering the clinic for 15 minutes. But all his talking and blocking were ultimately ineffective.
Late April, 2010
A scared young woman made two trips to the clinic before finally deciding to go through with the abortion. She felt it was her only option, as she cheated on her boyfriend and got pregnant. And she didn't want to be a single mother like her mother. She wanted a better life than that. We hugged her, gave her post abortion resources and assured her she was in our prayers.
An Armenian couple gave me cold stares and pretended they didn't understand what I was saying.
We had plenty of the typical reactions - cursing, throwing information on the ground, obscene gestures, "keep it to yourselves," "you don't understand; this is a different circumstance"- just from our peaceful presence at the clinic.
Security personnel were checking the camera outside the clinic and shortly thereafter placed another one.
Smile - you're on Candid Camera!
One woman said she was at the clinic for IUD placement, not for an abortion. When asked what she would do if she still got pregnant, she stated that she would keep the baby, like all the other ones. :)
An Hispanic man was sitting in his truck, smoking and playing loud music, while his girlfriend ran past me into the clinic. When engaged, he said that abortion is a woman's choice. When asked about how he felt about losing his child, he stated, "I ain't no father - the baby is leaving."
A couple refused resources and asked, "Why are you forcing this on people?" We responded that we are all part of one big family. We are connected. We care about all of our brothers and sisters. The couple smoked a cigarette and went inside, unmoved.
Early May, 2010
A young woman wearing rosary beads around her neck ran past when we offered information. When asked if she prayed to Jesus about her decision she said 'Yes.'
A very distressed and sad looking young couple listened but then nervously said they were just getting a pregnancy test and rushed into the clinic.
A young Hispanic woman nervously smiled and said that she already had too many kids and was 'sick.'
A young woman stated that abortion was the only option she ever thought of and still didn't believe there was any other way out of her situation. She was carrying an ultrasound picture and reported that she was 'very pregnant.'
An Hispanic couple with 4 kids said they were overwhelmed and couldn't support another child. She was receptive to life-giving resources but he became impatient and hurried her into the clinic, stating that they had already thought it through.
An Armenian woman said she had 2 kids and couldn't bear another one with her back problems; the pregnancy would render her unable to work and she would not be able to survive financially. She was given the high-risk OB-GYNs number but said she already made up her mind.
A young couple stood by their car, hugging and crying. I told them that there didn't have to be a sad ending here. She said, "But it's my choice."
A 19 year old woman said, "I'm too young to have a baby." She refused any resources.
Mid-May, 2010
A very confrontational black woman approached and stated, "Girls know it's a sin. Why do you have to be here and make their life more miserable, make them feel guilty?"
A young woman told us she didn't want her baby. She knew it was wrong and said her grandmother doesn't believe in abortion. She knew it was a selfish thing to do. She took our info but said her mind was made up.
A young Asian woman approached and was very tearful. She stated she had a miscarriage and had very much wanted her baby.
A Spanish speaking woman refused information and became very nervous when told that a 3 week old fetus has a beating heart.
ANOTHER LIFE SAVED! A couple listened and took the information. She is American and he is Armenian. When told that they deserve better than abortion, she said that she wanted to keep the baby but he wanted the abortion. He ushered her into the clinic. Five minutes later they exited and sat in their car for a while. Then they drove off. But then they returned. She ran into the clinic (probably to cancel the appointment) then told us on the way out that she was keeping the baby. We offered to help anyway we could and she said that they would be just fine. As they drove off, the boyfriend gave us the thumbs up!
Late May, 2010
A very young Hispanic couple approached. She was very quiet, nervous and awkward. He asked, "What gives you the right to talk to us?" They refused info.
A young woman exited the clinic, crying loudly and her boyfriend ran after her. He held her and squeezed her tightly. There was so much pain and anguish coming forth from her. They reentered the clinic 10 minutes later and when we offered some comfort, she asked, "Can you please not do this right now?"
A young Hispanic woman took the resource sheet but told us that she didn't want her baby. She stated, "It wasn't my choice to have a baby." She later ran out and was crying and yelling into her cell phone. Then a man arrived and stated he was not the father of the baby but a support system. She continued to cry and refused any of our offers to help.
An Hispanic woman said she couldn't afford any more kids - she already has two. She dismissed adoption and said she couldn't afford to miss any work.
Here's an interesting one - a young woman stated that she wasn't here for an abortion but to get her cholesterol checked!
Early June, 2010
An obese black woman told us that "it's better to have an abortion than to have a lot of kids that no one can take care of; less kids for the white man to have power over."
Another woman stated, "I'm pro-choice and I have cancer. So mind your own business."
A young woman said she just had a baby three months ago. She took the information but said that she didn't want this baby.
A young Asian-American couple said that he is going off to Iraq for a 2nd tour, and that the pregnancy is 'bad timing.' He said, "Do you know how many guys go off and kill themselves because they can't see their newborn baby?" He had tears in his eyes. We prayed so hard that he would find the strength to protect his baby the same way he is dedicated to protecting his country.
A young woman stated, "I'm against abortion. I'm just here for the morning after pill." When explained that this could cause an abortion, she said, "Oh yeah, I guess you're right." She accepted the resources.
An obese black woman in her 40s refused resources. When advised of Margaret Sanger's agenda to obliterate the black population, she remarked, "She did me a favor. I had 9 abortions. And my God has forgiven me. I don't know what God you pray to but my God forgives." She said this with great pride. She was there to support her son whose girlfriend was having an abortion.
A woman adamantly informed us that she has the right to an abortion. When her friend was asked if she knew what this 'right' would do to her, she responded, "Save her money?"
Two young women entered but refused resources. Half an hour later they exited toward their car, and one was crying really hard. They refused any interaction but took the resource sheet this time.
A young black woman said she would consider seeking assistance at the Black Infant Health Program but then did not exit the clinic.
A Caucasian woman and Philippine man approached. She was very hostile and cussed us out for being there. He was very quiet. They left half an hour later because the clinic wanted cash for the abortion and they only had a credit card. She screamed and cussed at him. The next day they returned with $525 in hand. She was calm. She listened to us briefly but said she still wanted to have the abortion. She said "the baby is not a person until it breathes its first breath and it does not breathe in the womb." He said he wanted the baby but "it didn't matter because it's her body." He accepted the post-abortion resources.
Early June, 2010
An obese black woman told us that "it's better to have an abortion than to have a lot of kids that no one can take care of; less kids for the white man to have power over."
Another woman stated, "I'm pro-choice and I have cancer. So mind your own business."
A young woman said she just had a baby three months ago. She took the information but said that she didn't want this baby.
A young Asian-American couple said that he is going off to Iraq for a 2nd tour, and that the pregnancy is 'bad timing.' He said, "Do you know how many guys go off and kill themselves because they can't see their newborn baby?" He had tears in his eyes. We prayed so hard that he would find the strength to protect his baby the same way he is dedicated to protecting his country.
A young woman stated, "I'm against abortion. I'm just here for the morning after pill." When explained that this could cause an abortion, she said, "Oh yeah, I guess you're right." She accepted the resources.
An obese black woman in her 40s refused resources. When advised of Margaret Sanger's agenda to obliterate the black population, she remarked, "She did me a favor. I had 9 abortions. And my God has forgiven me. I don't know what God you pray to but my God forgives." She said this with great pride. She was there to support her son whose girlfriend was having an abortion.
A woman adamantly informed us that she has the right to an abortion. When her friend was asked if she knew what this 'right' would do to her, she responded, "Save her money?"
Two young women entered but refused resources. Half an hour later they exited toward their car, and one was crying really hard. They refused any interaction but took the resource sheet this time.
A young black woman said she would consider seeking assistance at the Black Infant Health Program but then did not exit the clinic.
Mid June, 2010
A Caucasian woman and Philippine man approached. She was very hostile and cussed us out for being there. He was very quiet. They left half an hour later because the clinic wanted cash for the abortion and they only had a credit card. She screamed and cussed at him. The next day they returned with $525 in hand. She was calm. She listened to us briefly but said she still wanted to have the abortion. She said "the baby is not a person until it breathes its first breath and it does not breathe in the womb." He said he wanted the baby but "it didn't matter because it's her body." He accepted the post-abortion resources.
We met a beautiful black woman, 51 years old. She said she came to make an appointment for a checkup. She saw our signs and said she supported what we do. And that her mom was very active in the Right to Life organization. Even so, she confided that she had strongly considered aborting her third child but then changed her mind. Her son is nearly 30 now and is her most loving child. She thanked us for our presence at the clinic.
A 14 year old girl was 2 months pregnant. Her mother knew nothing of it. She refused to consider adoption. She was very tearful and said she made up her mind. A little later, Caroline walked out with her sister and they were both very tearful. We were very happy that she chose life but learned a few weeks later that she ultimately had the abortion.
Late June, 2010
With much sadness, I said goodbye to my beautiful ministry and wonderful friends in Los Angeles and relocated to West Virginia so I could be close to my ailing father. I look forward to continuing my ministry in the Pittsburgh area and returning as often as possible to L.A.
July 2010
As reported by Cindy, Charlene and Maria, this was a sad month for our innocent unborn children. Not one save. You could say we had some tough crowds. We were met with exceptional disregard and disdain.
August 2010
A young woman with multiple piercings gave me the finger and said, “I don’t want to hear it. First of all, this is NOT public property. Secondly, there is science behind this. And thirdly, you should be VERY ashamed of what your’e doing here. (side note– public sidewalks ARE public property).
August 2010 WE HAD A SAVE!
Tasha, 37y.o. mom of three young children and a teenager, was clearly upset about seeking an abortion but felt she could not adequately support her other children. She was tearful and overwhelmed. She initially accepted Cindy’s offer to drive her to a local pregnancy center but then declined. They exchanged numbers and Cindy kept in touch with Tasha. She ended up keeping her son.
A young black man who is a youth minister at a local church was visiting another establishment in the building and told us that he appreciated the work we do. He shared the story that he and his girlfriend found themselves pregnant a few years before. She panicked and felt that they should abort the child, so as not to provoke disciplinary action from his elders. He refused and they ended up having twins – a boy and a girl!
September 2010
Per Maria - I sat in my car for a long time, struggling with whether I really wanted to spend my morning at the clinic. I had no desire to deal with possible hecklers.
I finally decided to stand outside and pray.
After an hour, Elvia came out of the clinic and was crying hysterically. She was talking on the phone and saying "I can not do this. I can not do this." I quietly asked her if she needed help. She read all my signs and asked me who I was. She accepted the resource sheets. I hugged her, gave her my phone number and asked if I could have her phone number so I could follow up with her.
This story has a happy ending! Baby Isaac was born in April, 2011. He was born with a heart problem but he and his mom are doing well.
September 2010
A friend at a local pregnancy center shared this story. “I did an ultrasound today on a young woman who was scheduled to have an abortion today. She told the staff that she had taken ice chips this morning, and they turned her away, as she was supposed to have nothing to eat or drink before the procedure. When she left the center, a sidewalk counselor gave her a resource sheet and told her that there was help available at the pregnancy counseling center across the street. The young woman went home and shared the information with her aunt. The aunt brought her to the center and an ultrasound was performed. They saw a beautiful 13 week 4 day old baby. The young woman cried when she saw her baby and vowed to do the right thing. She left happy and said that she had prayed the Lord would send some people that could help her.”
A sidewalk counselor at another local abortion clinic wrote this. “Last week at the clinic was very challenging, with a man actually threatening the sidewalk counselors. But TODAY, a woman named Maria parked her car and came to thank us for being there. She then told us that her baby just turned five and showed us his photo on her phone. She had come to this clinic to abort him but then sensed the presence of God. So she prayed that she would do the RIGHT thing. At that time, she had four other children and was separated from her husband. After examining her, the staff at the clinic told her she was too far along in her pregnancy and would need to go to their Long Beach facility. She knew she was not THAT pregnant and realized that God had answered her prayers. She was reconciled to her husband and he LOVES little Angel, their son. She was tearing when she told us this and said it was the first time she ever told anyone her story. Of course, we were emotional too. Maria believes God used her pregnancy to save her marriage.
September, 2010
This came from a friend in Ventura.
A woman came to the Planned Parenthood in a taxi. I called out to her and said, "You don't have to go through with this. you can change your mind right now and walk away." She responded, "What do you mean? I have three children at home. I'm here for something else." I said to her, "There are other places in the area that can serve you, but don't go here. This places kills children. Could you actually support a place that kills children? You have three kids." She turned around and walked in to the clinic. I had to leave for work, but received a text from another prayer partner who said that the woman later exited the clinic, crying. She stated that she had actually come to the clinic to abort the child but after having time to think she realized what a horrible thing she would have done. This woman had told her husband that three children were enough and one more would be too many. She knew at that moment before she was scheduled to go in for the abortion that she needed to keep this child. It turns out that this clinic would not allow any more abortions past 14 weeks. This happened to be the 13th week and sixth day of her pregnancy - the last day that this clinic would allow for her to terminate her pregnancy. This woman was given resources and the assurance that the prayer warriors were there if she needed help.
September, 2010
Another inspiring story from Patti -
We had a large prayer presence this morning. A car really slowed down as the driver was looking very intently at the people praying and the signs. He continued driving slowly towards the parking lot, and stopped in the driveway to let a sidewalk counselor give him information. About 2 minutes later, the sidewalk counselor ran up to the corner asking us to call the Pregnancy Counseling Center to let them know that a couple was heading right over. As the couple drove off we could see that both the driver and female passenger were SOBBING.
This is why a simple, prayerful presence is so important!! We stand and pray and God does the rest!
September 2010
From Patti again!
There was a strong prayer presence at the abortion clinic but sadly there was VERY heavy traffic. About mid-morning, a couple drove up and parked. A beautiful young woman (we'll call her Lisa) got out of the car and headed towards the front door. Although many people had entered, a sidewalk counselor felt compelled at that moment to approach 'Lisa,' embrace her and speak with her. At the same time, a Knights of Columbus prayer warrior approached from the other direction. The 3-way conversation became quite emotional for all involved and the prayers of the rest of us intensified. 'Lisa' walked away from the front door and headed down the sidewalk confused, crying, yelling, you name it. She finally agreed to think a little more about her decision and headed back to her car to speak with her boyfriend.
About 20 minutes later, 'Lisa' got out of the car and headed towards the front door again. The sidewalk counselor quickly approached her for another emotional encounter and the Knight of Columbus walked over to the car to speak with Lisa's boyfriend. Turns out that this young man did NOT want his girlfriend to abort their child! After what seemed to be an eternity, and as we continued to pray, we watched as the sidewalk counselor led Lisa and her boyfriend across the street to the Pregnancy Counseling Center for an ultrasound and for more information about assistance. EVERYONE WAS SMILING! GOD IS SOOOOOOOOOO GOOD!
December 2010
A black man and his wife said it wasn’t a good time to have a baby. He said, “Please don’t be coming down on me. I’ll keep the next one. I promise.” He became irritated when offered alternatives.
January 2011
The staff of PP called the police and complained that we were harassing customers. When they arrived, they could see that there was nothing of the sort.
February 2011
Per Charlene – It’s been soooo cold outside the clinic recently. Not much interaction with the clients because Kelly, an escort/employee with Planned Parenthood, ensures that we get nowhere near them with our information. Kelly is hard edged with us but sweet and smarmy when others pass by. Kelly insisted that we should be protesting pedophile priests rather than abortion, and that the crime rate is lower since abortion became legal. She also stated that Planned Parenthood is helping women with 'love,' and asked if we want them to suffer with 9 or 10 children (sounds like it’s right out of the mouth of Margaret Sanger). When Kelly told us that she was a minister, Maria saw red!! Kelly admitted that abortion was a necessary EVIL, and she supports it even though she considers eating an animal murder. Luckily she only came a second time and didn’t say much; she made numerous donut runs for the clinic workers. A Spanish pro-life group from a Protestant church arrived, and Kelly asked if they were with us. We told her that there was no connection and that there are many citizens and groups who cherish life and take an active stand for it. Kelly occasionally stood right next to us and took calls, asked about last periods, and made appointments. She did it REALLY loud, just to offend us. But as always, we continued to pray and maintain a peaceful stance.
March, 2011 A BABY IS SAVED!
A teenage couple we'll call 'Jim'(15) and 'Carol' (16) sought an abortion because they were scared about having a child at such a young age. They knew that they were having a son. Neither of their families was aware of the pregnancy. Maria explained the alternatives to abortion and even offered to take them to the local pregnancy counseling center. They decided to keep their baby and were immediately happy about their decision. 'Jim' exclaimed, “I need to breathe. I need to breathe!” They left Planned Parenthood and met with a counselor at the pregnancy center. We hope and pray that they stuck to the decision to continue their pregnancy.
March, 2011
A young tattooed white couple threw us the finger and threatened bodily harm if we approached them. She emphatically stated that she would NEVER regret her abortion.
A 19 year old Hispanic male told us he was too young to have a baby. He promised to wear a condom the next time.
A young and apparently distressed looking white couple accepted our resource sheet then entered the clinic. An hour later, they returned to their car and engaged in conversation for a long time. They eventually drove off, so we can only hope that they had a change of heart.
Charlene and I took a nicely used double stroller to a mom who chose life for her son some months ago and who also has a toddler.
April 1, 2011
A guy dropped his girlfriend off and yelled to the woman, “Do not listen to a f*$%ing word of what they say. Just go inside.” When approached with information, the woman
angrily said, “Save it.”
Per Cindy –WE HAD A SAVE - A young white teenager we'll call 'Randi' arrived with her mother and a family friend. She sat inside for a short while but then went outside to talk with Cindy. She listened intently. Randi’s mother had had multiple abortions and did not express any regret. When shown a picture of an eight week fetus, Randi cried and ran back inside the clinic with her mother. The family friend went back to the car. Minutes later Randi ran back outside and said she realized she would be doing the wrong thing if she had the abortion. She walked away relieved with resources in hand.
Cindy also brought lunch to a black mother of five who had turned away from the clinic in October and kept her son. He was born in February, 2012.
April, 2011
Back in Pittsburgh - A middle aged black man saw our signs and told us that his girlfriend had an abortion 20-some years ago. He had tried to talk her out of it to no avail. He sadly stated, “It still be on my mind til this day.” How gut wrenching.
May, 2011
A male companion to a woman entering the clinic told Maria – “If you come near me, I’ll break you into pieces.”
An Hispanic couple laughed in my face and mocked me when I encouraged them to consider alternatives to abortion. He stated, “It’s MY kid and I decide what I do with it.” I told them that I would pray that they would have a change of heart and he replied, “If there is a God.”
A sad faced 19 year old told me it’s too late to change her mind, that she had already had an abortion. As she scurried inside, I tried to impress on her that there is always hope and lots of help available. She said she is 9 months sober from heroin and didn’t trust herself to stay sober. About an hour or so later, she left the clinic with another woman, so we can only hope that she decided to keep her child.
May, 2011
A young teenager we'll call 'Cassie' arrived with a couple of friends. They drove an hour to the clinic for her abortion appointment. When I provided the alternative resource sheet I could clearly see that she was overwhelmed and scared. She and her friends took turns exiting and re-entering the clinic, with a cell phone to the ear. Finally, they were all outside for a while and then we saw them walking toward their car. Cassie was crying and the friends were high-fiving each other. They told us that she was keeping her baby. They weren’t interested in our help and said they would go to the local pregnancy center and get her checked out. PRAISE GOD!
June, 2011
From Maria -
Kathryn and I were praying this morning. A young woman we’ll call ‘Sara’ asked for our pregnancy resource packet. We went over everything with her. She went in to the clinic then left, saying that she was advised to see her doctor first. ‘Sara’s’ intentions were to return the next day. We prayed fervently that she would opt to keep the baby. We were not able to be there the next day, so only God knows what happened.
July, 2011 – (from Patti)
There was a lot of traffic but a set of twins was saved!
There was a morning of high drama - an obviously abusive boyfriend threatened the mother of his unborn child and the women praying. He even pushed a sidewalk counselor away from his girlfriend’s car. Later, the woman ran out of the back door of the clinic and into her car and sped out of the driveway. She slowed down to let the sidewalk counselor jump in the car with her – it was almost like we were watching a movie being made! There were tears of anguish, tears of joy and another father’s delight after his wife changed her mind about her abortion. Not to mention a LOT of fervent praying!!
August, 2011 –
V entered and exited the clinic numerous times. She finally agreed to take some information about pregnancy resources. She cried and said that she had to have the abortion. Her boyfriend, M, showed up and tried to talk her out of the abortion. She said that he was abusive and didn’t want to bring a baby into that situation. They eventually walked away from the clinic and said they would go to the pregnancy center for help. And he said he would consider getting help for his anger. We sure hope and pray so.
‘M,’ a thirty-something married woman, came to the clinic alone. She said that she already has two kids and neither she nor her husband want anymore. When told about all the resources available and the fact that her baby already has a heartbeat, she said, “It’s OK. There’s really nothing there yet.”
M and his girlfriend, a beautiful young black couple, said that abortion was their only choice, as her parents would kill her if they found out she was pregnant. We discussed the likelihood of her parents actually killing her and they laughed. They looked at the resources available but then entered the clinic.
October, 2011 (during the Pittsburgh 40 Days for Life campaign)
A man passed by and commented, “I’m with you! My wife and I had three miscarriages.” He said that it’s so sad how women can purposely end a life.
A middle aged man, obviously annoyed at our presence outside the Planned Parenthood, said in passing, “Have you ever read the book, ‘Freakonomics?’” It provided a bit of comic relief!
Three young art students passed by. They respectfully argued their pro-choice views. They all planned to graduate and then head west and change the world! By the time they continued on their way, they were a lot more educated about why we defend life and admitted that they felt more inclined to be defenders of life.
A cheerful young black woman walked right up to me and stated that she was going to go into Planned Parenthood and make an appointment for an abortion. But she wanted to hear what I had to say first!! I gave her information on local pregnancy centers, etc. She called her boyfriend on the spot and told him that maybe they should keep their baby. When asked if abortion was the first option that she thought of when she learned that she was pregnant, she said yes. I assured her that there was so much better for her and the baby than abortion and she agreed. I gave her my name and phone number in case she had any more questions but she never called. She walked away – hopefully she never returned to the clinic.
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